Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Which Extension Method is Right for You?

Hi Starlets!

I have been getting a ton of questions on what extension method may be the best. As I am no hair stylist, I am just the creative director for HollywoodWeaves Virgin Hair that happens to love hair, I am no expert in that area. I will give you my opinion though.

I believe that there is no one perfect or best way. I personally like a combination of them all depending on the look I want or how long I want to keep it. For example, everyone is raving about the Malaysian Technique, and it is pretty awesome. The downside is that for most african american women, if they work out, sweat and they natural hair swells. This will cause you to have to do more to keep this sew in up.

I love the braid down technique because it allows your natural hair resting time and growing time.
Another great one is clip in extensions. Clip ins give you length and fullness without the commitment to a long term style.

I suggest speaking with your professional stylist and discussing what your lifestyle is, what your hair goals are, and what your expectations are to get a better idea of what is best for you.

Clip Ins

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